Free Movies at the Library!

  Dates & times
  Category Adult Program, Children's Program, Teen Program
  Age Groups


Free Movies at the Library!
While the kids are out of school, and adults are taking a well-deserved holiday break, the New Carlisle Library is hosting some great movies, with FREE POPCORN as always!
December 21st, 1 pm- The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993, PG)
December 26th, 1 pm- The Polar Express (2004, G)
December 28th, 3:30 pm- Martian Child (2007, PG)
December 31st, 4 pm- Incredibles 2 (2018, PG)
With thanks, as always, to the Friends of the New Carlisle Library, who provide our annual movie license and support this and many other great programs at the Library!