Library Opens for No-Contact Pickup

New Carlisle Library Opens May 4 for No-Contact Pickup

We Miss You All So Much!

Although it has been the right and responsible thing to do, it has felt terribly wrong for the library to be closed. I am so pleased to announce that the library will be open for No-Contact Pickup starting May 4. For the time being, hours will be 10 am - 6 pm Monday through Friday.

To request items, you can:

  • Log into your online account here and change "All Libraries" to "New Carlisle Public"
  • Call the library at (937) 845-3601 during the above hours, or leave a message
  • E-mail

Patrons can request specific items, a particular author, or just a genre or age range and we will do everything we can to meet the request. Because we do not know when our inter-library loan deliveries will resume, currently only our local items will be available and we are limiting checkouts to 20 items a day. When your items are ready, they will be checked out to you and placed on shelving between the two sets of main doors, and you will receive a phone call. You will be able to enter the first set of doors, grab your items, and return home!

Please be assured that we are taking all precautions we can, and we hope you are too. We are limiting the number of staff in the building, and all staff are wearing masks, washing hands, and wiping down surfaces frequently. We will not be allowing anyone other than staff into the building for any reason, for everyone's protection. We ask that there be only one person in the entryway at a time, and suggest everyone wear masks outside their home. Please be patient with us (and yourself!) as we all navigate this "new normal."

Book drops are open as of Saturday, and any item currently checked out has a due date of May 15. Please be aware that any items that are returned will be quarantined, so don't be concerned if you return something but it doesn't come off your account for a few days.

We look forward to being able to serve the community in whatever way we can, as safely as possible. I don't know when we'll be able to see all your smiling faces wandering the library again, but please know that you have been in our thoughts and we hope to speak to you all soon.

Please, stay safe and stay healthy.
Beth Freeman, Director