One Book, Many Communities 2023

  Dates & times
  Category Adult Program
  Age Groups


One Book, Many Communities
Beginning in March we are participating in the One Book....Many Communities book read. Our chosen book is The Widows by Jess Montgomery, a local author. With this in mind, we are doing a number of adult activities dealing with Appalachia and coal mining. We are having a discussion on the book, Mountain dulcimer performance, a movie about music of the area, an Appalachian dinner, a rag rug demonstration, a discussion of living in the hills, and construction of a rag doll. Times and date will come shortly.
Come check out a copy of the book (the first in a series of four now!) and check out the study guide questions!
Signups for the dinner and doll projects will be ready later this month. 
For more information, contact Tillie Jamison at 937-845-3601, ext. 111.

Events kick off on March 4th

  • Discussion of the Widows - March 15th at 6 p.m.
  • Mountain Dulcimer with Linda - March 23rd at 4 p.m.
  • Movie Night:  Song Catcher - March 24th at 4 p.m.
  • Appalachian Dinner in 1924 - March 30th at 6 p.m.
  • Ragdoll - April 5th at 6 p.m.

One Book, Many Communities Facebook page: