Writers' Group

  Dates & times
  Category Adult Program
  Age Groups


New Carlisle Public Library Writers' Group
Every Thursday from 3:00-4:00 p.m.

If you are interested in improving your writing skills and developing strategies to become a published author, join the New Carlisle Public Library Writers' Group.  We meet every Thursday from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  All writers are welcome regardless of experience, age, or interests.  If you are writing a novel, short-fiction, non-fiction, creative non-fiction or poetry, you are encouraged to attend.  

While we want to have fun at our meetings, we are not here to socialize.  We are a working writers' group, and our main premise is that writers write.  If you join, be prepared to read what you are working on and to take and give criticism.  Our goal is to help you reach your writing goals. 

As part of each meeting, writing prompts will be provided to allow each writer to write something to share with the group.

Critique Guidelines

Critiques should deal only with the work, should be constructive, and should be short.  Find out what is right in each piece as well as what is wrong.

Remember subject matter is personal.  You don't have to like a story to give it a fair critique.  Remember what your biases are and critique around them.  Remember that "real people wrote this stuff, and real people have real feelings."  

Author Guidelines

Listen.  The person wants to help you find ways to make things better.
Wait until everyone has finished critiquing before making comments.  Explain only if necessary.  Don't rebut.  Take notes.  Realize that everything can be improved.  Be willing to make changes.  However, don't change anything you feel must remain in order to make the story yours.

Membership Guidelines

Attending meetings is a privilege and not a right.  Memberships can be revoked for failure to follow critiquing rules, for failure to follow protocol in being critiqued, or by a general vote of the other members.